MIA Future Concessions
MIA’s $5 billion Capital Improvement Program includes modernization of Concourse F

Areas Celebrates Rewarding 15-Year Partnership at MIA

It was a groundbreaking moment when Areas won its first contract in the US at Miami International (MIA) in 2006 (operations began in 2008). Many opportune pieces fell into place at that time. MIA airport needed fresh operators for its innovative program at the new North and South Terminals and Areas wanted to prove itself on American terrain at a major airport.

Areas won the opportunity to operate 10 restaurant concepts plus the Book and Books store, (see related story to follow) and it was the linchpin that would set off a series of subsequent contract wins for Areas at other US airports.

Now, 15 years later with shared goals and values, the partnership with MIA has flourished and has proved to be a rewarding one. As with every strong relationship, there are key reasons why it has worked so well. At MIA, it is the support of the Miami-Dade Aviation Department and two of its concessions executives who have been running the program since the early 2000s, that is so vital.

“We have always had a very positive partnership with Miami Dade Aviation Department,” says Filinto Galban, Regional Director for Areas. “They have always been a true supporter of Areas and respect us as a concessionaire.”

Sarah Abate & Pete Betancourt
Sarah Abate, Division Director of Airport Concessions Business Development & Pete Betancourt, Chief Airport Concessions Business Development

Sarah and Pete Concessions Stalwarts

Sarah Abate, Division Director of Airport Concessions Business Development has been in MIA’s properties or concessions divisions in various positions since the year 2000.

It was a wonderful time to be at the airport with the new South (opened in 2007) and North (opened in 2011) Terminals getting ready to open, she recalls. An unprecedented 14 RFPs back-to-back were issued throughout the early 2000s to service the new facilities.

“For several years we were extremely busy; we had beautiful new stores and infrastructure and the concessions showed immense creativity,” says Sarah.

She acknowledges there were also many challenges as de facto pioneers of a new concessions era at that time. Some service-oriented concepts didn’t exist so developing compensation language was complex. Additionally, the airport developed a codicil new to contracts that has been instrumental in keeping up the quality level of programs throughout the industry.

“We had articles in our agreements, like the marketing fee, that we didn’t see prior to 2003. Now that fee is standard in all agreements but from what I recollect, we were one of the first ones to implement it,” notes Sarah.

Any new fee is not necessarily a welcome cost for an operator but from the airport’s perspective, the marketing fee provides a tool to promote the concessions and keep service levels high. The marketing program was further developed by Sara and Pete Betancourt saw the possibilities in the program.

“It was more than the aspect of marketing the concessions program, it also had certain requirements to train concessionaire staff on things like customer service and the proper etiquette,” says Pete, Chief Airport Concessions Business Development whose career has always been immersed in formulating contracts. Pete had been at the airport since 1993 overseeing major procurement and concessions contracts before Sarah opened the doors for him in her department in 2018.

He recalls the evaluation process when Areas first won its contract. “Areas brought forth a great product and presented it to the county and that’s what did it for them back at that time,” says Pete. “Areas went through Miami-Dade County’s solicitation process and the evaluation selection committee deemed Areas to be one of the top companies. Their specific package was what the airport was looking for to re-energize MIA’s concession program.”

Both Sarah and Pete commend Areas for having attentive general managers throughout the years and give a great deal of credit to the current leadership headed by Filinto Galban, Regional Director, Airport Operations and Guillermo del Calvo, General Manager.

“Filinto is always thinking outside the box,” notes Pete. “He always tries to bring in new ideas and concepts to the airport and that’s something that I truly enjoy.”

“Guillermo is so responsive and receptive to comments; he has a great attitude,” says Sarah. “If he sees any problems or issues, he will inform us right away. He and Areas in general is a great partner.”

The strong bond may bode well for Areas’ future at MIA beyond its extension to 2028. The airport is investing $5 billion in a massive Capital Improvement Program (CIP) to serve 77 million passengers expected over the next 15 years, which may include multiple new concessions packages.

“Within the next 10 years, this airport will be incredibly transformed,” says Pete. As the beautiful projects come together in the CIP we will begin phasing in the concessions.”MIA’s Expects a Whopping 77 Million Passengers by 2040

October 6, 2023
Press release