CPR and AED Training

“The best defense for someone in cardiac arrest is a properly trained person that knows CPR and or how to operate an AED (automated external defibrillator),” says Kevin. “Also, a properly trained Areas employee can be the difference between someone going home to their loved ones or not.”

That is why Kevin instituted training sessions the first of which took place on October 25th at the Fort Pierce Travel Plaza. The participants are from the West Palm Beach, Fort Pierce, and Fort Drum service plazas. A total of nine managers received certification in CPR and AED use. Another class is being held in early November at Fort Drum which will include about 20 participants.

The company providing the training is EMC Medical Training, a Florida-based company that provides medical education programs across the country.

Atlene and Brenda
Atlene Petitme (Market Place Cashier) holds the baby’s head while Brenda Shoup (Concept Manager) performs chest compressions
Sylvette, Vyronise, and David
Sylvette Alicea (West Palm Beach Admin), Vyronise Williams (Concept Manager at West Palm Beach), and David Williams (Receiving Supervisor at WPB)

November 2, 2022
Internal news