Guess Who?

The person we are featuring this month in My Areas is someone who is passionate about making sure Areas associates spend their workday in the safest possible environment. He swoops into every field location assessing safety preparedness for associates as well as guests. He equips employees with the right protective gear so they will leave in the same condition as when they arrived. He ensures the Shoes for Crews program delivers the proper footwear to limit slip and falls. He posts daily safety tips throughout Areas’ locations to diminish the number of accidents.

“I love making sure our guests and associates are safe every day they come through our doors,” says this person. “Most of all I love to teach people how to be safe. Our training applies to situations at work and at home.  I get great satisfaction from someone telling me they saved a life because of what we taught them.”

This multi-faceted person also mitigates the company’s risk and safeguards our assets, like our buildings and everything in them, by managing all of our insurances that cover things like theft, workers comp, injuries and disasters.

An associate at Areas for eight years, this person has been in the safety and security business for over 35 years. What he likes best about Areas is the company’s willingness to change and be open to innovative ideas on how to improve the business. “The senior leadership at Areas listens to new ideas; we’re not set in our ways. If I offer a recommendation, I will get feedback. Our CEO constantly encourages us to ask about our company and lets us know where we are going and what he sees as positives or negatives that we as a company can work on to make us better.”

Can you guess this person’s name and title? The first reader who emails with the correct name and title of the person featured this month will win a $25 Visa gift card.

July 6, 2022
Internal news