Areas Associates Celebrate Anniversaries, Share Favorite Memories

When a member of the Team celebrates their anniversary at Areas, we ask them to share a favorite memory or an especially enjoyable moment at work. Here are some fun recollections:

Harold Kornfeld, Ft. Pierce Turnpike, Cashier celebrating two years at Areas…

I remember when we had the drive for the people of Ukraine. It gave me great pleasure to give my best effort and I turned out to be number one in the entire company based on the funds I collected for this very important cause! I felt my small part was able to help the people of Ukraine. Thank you to Areas for setting up the drive and allowing us to contribute.

Jessica Hernandez, Support Center, FDK Manager celebrating one year at Areas…

This is not so much a memory, but an appreciation for Areas and the Teams I’ve been a part of on this journey. Most importantly to the opportunity I was given to grow as an individual and professional. Areas has always allowed me the space to grow, to be a person, and to not feel bad about needing to juggle my life as a mother with my life as a professional. For that, I am eternally grateful. Thank you, Areas, and everyone who has played a role in my growth with the company.

Norberto Franceschini Serrano, Maintenance Supervisor, Turkey Lake Turnpike, celebrating eight years at Areas…

When I decided to move from Puerto Rico to Central Florida eight years ago this has been my only job and I hope to continue here until God disposes of me. Here in Turkey Lake, we are a family and there are always memorable moments like the day a giant visited us and it was so amazing that I took a picture with him. Thank you, Areas, for allowing me to continue growing and enjoying my work.

August 4, 2023
Internal news