
She supports the Executive Committee, Business Development, and Operations teams by ensuring the Areas brand is communicated effectively to existing and potential partners such as brands, landlords, or potential clients. Whether it be banners, brochures, swag items, etc., another item on this individual’s “to do” list is to give the People, Talents & Culture team the necessary elements to communicate the Areas brand to existing and future associates at job fairs.

Due to the multitude of moving parts required to successfully communicate the Areas brand from one party to another, the task has its challenges. Lately, due to supply shortages, staffing issues and inflation, Areas has had to adapt pricing more often than previously. This time-consuming process consists of creating or updating designs for assets such as menus, entrance menus, banners and digital menu boards to name just a few.

“When people think about restaurants, they often will think that it is only one menu. In actuality, most of Areas’ restaurants have on average 7-10 asset pieces that require design updates each time there is a change,” she explains. “For example, Areas has 19 restaurants at LAX. If each one of those restaurants has 7-10 items that need updates due to supply shortages or inflation, that’s a lot of assets to update”. But challenges do not deter this individual. This is evident when she explains another attribute she likes about Areas, “I love the dynamism of the company and being able to change things when they don’t work”.

This individual has been an associate of Areas for over ten years. One of the best memories she has had of Areas during her employment took place when Homeboy opened their first café at LAX. She described how the branded partner wanted one of the Homeboy residents to hand-paint a mural on the ceiling. She explains that in her experience most companies would have just tarped off the area, but Areas allowed them to close the location for five days to allow the artist to hand paint the mural.

She further explains her love of working for Areas by saying, “That really showed me the character of the company and also the commitment to its partners in doing the right thing and taking the time to do things the way they are supposed to be done. Areas takes pride in their partners and allows them to express themselves in accordance with their vision. It was an example of so many things that to this day really, resonated with me that is part of what makes Areas a really great company”.

December 8, 2022
Guess Who